
Uudet ja näyttävät verkkosivut Joowalta

For every screen and device

Toteuttamamme verkkosivut optimoidaan tehon ja laitteiden osalta sekä suurille että pienille näytöille. Nykyisin suurin osa käyttäjistä selaakin puhelimella verkkosivuja.


Toteutamme verkkosivut siten, että ne ovat aina hakukoneystävällisiä. Saat myös kauttamme hakukoneoptimointia mikäli haluat, että sivustosi löytyy kilpailijoitasi paremmin.


From Joowa, you get everything you need for your online presence. Website, Webhotel, Emails, Graphic services, Searc Engine Optimization and much more. Everything with turnkey-principle.

Are you wondering how much does the website cost?

You can try our price calculator and estimate the price of websites and services. The prices on our calculator are indicative, but we have tried to get the most realistic values ​​into the calculator. You can also request an offer based on the calculation.

We build modern and high-quality WordPress websites

We build and maintain high-quality websites using the WordPress platform for businesses of all sizes. The websites are always tailored to the customer's wishes. By using ready-made, proven WordPress themes and components, we are able to offer stunning and secure websites very cost-effectively.

In connection with the implementation of the website, we can set up email accounts and integrate existing services.

If you want to know more about the process, check our process-page.

WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Wix... these are all CMS platforms (Content Management System). CMS stands for content management system. WordPress is the most popular CMS platform in the world, which is just one reason why Joowa uses it for website building. Building websites on a CMS platform allows end-users to easily maintain the content on their website. It's one thing to build great and functional websites, but maintenance is almost as important as the construction itself. We have also used other CMS platforms in our previous projects, but for the end-user experience, WordPress has proven to be the best.

Kaikissa CMS-alustoissa on hyviä ja huonoja puolia, mutta lukuisten projektien tuoman näkemyksen ja kokemuksen perusteella olemme siirtyneet käyttämään suurimmaksi osaksi WordPressiä verkkosivuprojekteissamme.


WordPress pluginit (lisäosat) avaavat kyseiselle CMS-alustalle valtavan määrän eri ominaisuuksia lisäämällä/muuttamalla koodia hyödyntäen WordPressin Hookkeja. Tämä on samaan aikaan alustan siunaus ja kirous, sillä vähänkään kokematon alustan käyttäjä saattaa innostua ja ladata sivunsa täyteen turhia tai vähemmän hyödyllisiä plugineita. Pluginien saastuttamana sivusto toimii huomattavasti hitaammin, joten mikäli jokin on mahdollista toteuttaa ilman pluginia, se on aina kannattavampaa. Me Joowalla rakennamme verkkosivuja YAGNI-periaattella, eli toteutamme kaiken mahdollisimman optimaalisella pluginien käytöllä.

Pluginien tarjoamien ominaisuuksien avulla WordPressillä voidaan toteuttaa kustannustehokas verkkokauppa, nopeasti toimiva koulutusalusta tai ihan vain visuaalisesti näyttävä käyntikorttisivusto.

Fixed costs associated with the use of the website and online services.

  • Webserver and domain In order for your site to appear online, it needs server space and a domain. Domain means the www address of your website. It is worthwhile to maintain the server space and domain with the same service provider.

    The size and price of the server space is greatly influenced by the intended use of the service being built. Light business card pages can survive even with a fairly small web hosting, while a small online store requires a slightly larger server space.
    n. 10€ - 150€ / kk
  • Emails Quality web hotels almost always include webmail mailboxes. However, emails can also be connected to external services such as Microsoft 365 or Google.

    If the company uses or intends to use Microsoft or Google services, it is even recommended to connect emails to these services.
    Around 5€ to 40€ / user / month
  • Services Many different systems can be integrated into websites and various automations can be created according to the needs of your company.

    The costs are always case-specific and we discuss them already in the planning phase of the project. At Joowa, however, we strive to implement websites with as few fixed costs and deadlines as possible.
    0 - ???€ / month
Webserver and domain
Webserver and domain
n. 10€ - 150€ / kk

In order for your site to appear online, it needs server space and a domain. Domain means the www address of your website. It is worthwhile to maintain the server space and domain with the same service provider.

The size and price of the server space is greatly influenced by the intended use of the service being built. Light business card pages can survive even with a fairly small web hosting, while a small online store requires a slightly larger server space.

Around 5€ to 40€ / user / month

Quality web hotels almost always include webmail mailboxes. However, emails can also be connected to external services such as Microsoft 365 or Google.

If the company uses or intends to use Microsoft or Google services, it is even recommended to connect emails to these services.

0 - ???€ / month

Many different systems can be integrated into websites and various automations can be created according to the needs of your company.

The costs are always case-specific and we discuss them already in the planning phase of the project. At Joowa, however, we strive to implement websites with as few fixed costs and deadlines as possible.

Some of our latest Web Design projects;


Of all websites use WordPress as their CMS-platform

The market share of WordPress for websites built on a CMS platform is up to 64.1%

Our hosting partner is a reliable and secure finnish service provider.


More references can be found at references-page

Don't hesitate to contact us